Sunday, October 6, 2013


I found a new charity for knitters! Knits with love, where you knit 6inch squares in any colour or design and bring them to Wet Coast Wools (that is only 4 blocks from my house) and get together and knit blankets for women in the downtown east side of Vancouver. I LOVE THIS, I love it as much as I love this, a charity where you donate warm clothing to school children. I can't seem to find the exact working link but it is through Vancouver Sun Children's Fund.
It’s nice to take a break from the mittens. I’m realizing more and more that I love knitting so much but I have very little interest in designing new items and making something flashy for myself. My poor Jane Richmond sweater has been at only 2 rows for almost a year. I get so much more joy out of someone else wearing something I made to keep themselves warm. Plus it’s less “stuff” that I have laying around waiting to be worn. I’m happy to meet other knitters who enjoy the giving aspect (I believe that all knitters are givers, how could they be selfish with it), but I’m an introvert so I have that excuse. Here is the finished item, but we need more knitters!